Saturday, March 31, 2007

Isn't it Ironic?

Last night I was driving home and "Ina Gada Da Vida" came on the radio. Normally, this would have made me happy. But I was only three minutes away from home. I think this is an appropriate situation for Alanis Morissette to caterwaul about:

"It's like ten thousand spoons, when all you need is a knife /
It's like 'Ina Gada Da Vida' coming on the radio, three minutes before your scheduled execution /
Isn't it ironic? /
Don't you think?"

(I thought that might be too morbid, but when checking the lyrics about the knifey-spoony thing, I remembered the real song actually DOES mention execution.)

Of course the sad truth is that the song turned out to be a shitty, sell-out, three minute version of the song, AND I got stuck at the light turning left into my apartment complex, so I ended up having to search the dial for something else to fill my ears for the last minute. How's that for iron(butterfl)y?

Thursday, March 22, 2007

There is "A 16-day gap in e-mail records between the Justice Department and the White House concerning the firing of U.S. attorneys." []

In related news, Arlo Guthrie has released a 288-disk, 16-day extended jam version of his hit "Alice's Restaurant."

Thursday, March 08, 2007

You can stick 'em where?

Today I saw a commercial which made me happy to be alive. I swear that the transcript of the ad went (almost) exactly like this:

You can stick-em in the North,
you can stick-em in the South,
but they really taste the best,
when you stick-em in your mouth.

The ad was for some sort of bite-sized food product called stick-ems (or stick-ums or something). But holy cow, there was some colossal lack of foresight that went into creating that commercial. Sort of like when you name your child "Festicle" (or, I don't know... "Apple"). I predict it is not long for this world. I searched both Google and YouTube, and I could not find it to post here, but rest assured, as soon as I do find it, I will (stick it here).

It reminds me of that commercial for Aspercreme which was changed after a while. This is the original:

The new version says "You bet if it's AS-percreme."

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

I never thought that a CEO of a major corporation could be a poor-man's anybody, but

Google's CEO, Eric Schmidt:

Bill Gates:

Alternate title for this post: "CEO-Ganger"

(yes, yes, I know BG isn't the CEO of Microsoft anymore - right?)

Summer time

It's 20 degrees outside, and 80 degreess inside in my office. Why? Why is there a thermostat on the wall which tells us how hot it is, and which mocks us by not having any knobs or levers? I'm this close ('<->') to stripping down to my underwear, but I'm pretty sure people would object. I can't wait until summer when it will be 90 degrees outside and 60 degrees inside.

On the plus side, at least we're supposed to get some snow here tomorrow.