Tuesday, March 06, 2007

I never thought that a CEO of a major corporation could be a poor-man's anybody, but

Google's CEO, Eric Schmidt:

Bill Gates:

Alternate title for this post: "CEO-Ganger"

(yes, yes, I know BG isn't the CEO of Microsoft anymore - right?)


Blogger lanyard said...

That top guy looks a LOT like my math teacher in high school, who had many misfortunes befall him during my four years there: 1) got his identity stolen by a Nigerian crime ring; 2) got shingles; 3) got stalked by a former student, who blamed him for ruining his life by failing him in math, years before. One time the stalker called in a bomb threat to the school on Hitler's birthday (April 20, popular with school spree-killers everywhere). Eventually my teacher suddenly moved away to escape the guy, and we never heard from him again.

My teacher loved jelly donuts. He had a dog that he claimed had a "huge bladder." He used to read the former student's death-threat poetry to us when we would go after school for help ("'Grind my bones for wallpaper paste'? He's very creative").

I wonder if he's still alive. (Not in a murder-way, but in an old-age-way.) (But now that I think of it, a murder-way, too.)

3/07/2007 9:23 AM


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