Thursday, March 22, 2007

There is "A 16-day gap in e-mail records between the Justice Department and the White House concerning the firing of U.S. attorneys." []

In related news, Arlo Guthrie has released a 288-disk, 16-day extended jam version of his hit "Alice's Restaurant."


Blogger lanyard said...

Hee hee... that's a lotta discs.

3/22/2007 1:02 PM

Blogger thrillho said...

Yes, 288 to be exact. It's funny, after this post I got 3 or 4 hits due to people searching for "16 day gap" on Well, I think it's funny.

3/31/2007 7:56 AM

Blogger lanyard said...

I also think it is funny.

Here's something else funny: "zhrhmvfk."

4/06/2007 2:03 PM


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