Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Follow-up to the Beatles post

I just wanted to comment that, not surprisingly, after I made that post, I googled the band names and there were numerous instances of people coming up with the same idea. Almost. The typical text went something like, "John, Paul, George and Gringo. I think he's probably Gringo, he's so f-ing mexican." Or, "A new beat combo by the name of the Beetles attended the party. John, Paul, George and Gringo. Most talented and intelligent was definitely Gringo, who oddly enough didn't look Mexican."

Okay, "something like" turned into "exactly like." The point is, I think it's sadly hilarious that Mexico has an ethnic slur for Americans, and we're too dumb to realize it, and what's more, we think it's our ethnic slur for them. I must admit I thought the same thing until just a few years ago, when I was appalled that a commercial product (of which you probably have heard) could get away with the name "Green Mountain Gringo." I was like, "what, they think that because Vermont is so far away from Mexico that nobody would notice?" Then I looked it up.


Blogger lanyard said...

I've said it before and I'll say it again:

Hee hee.

"He's right! He's right! We are so lame!"

(Though, for the record, I knew what "gringo" meant. Also for the record, I'm a bitch.)

8/22/2007 12:09 PM


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