Thursday, March 08, 2007

You can stick 'em where?

Today I saw a commercial which made me happy to be alive. I swear that the transcript of the ad went (almost) exactly like this:

You can stick-em in the North,
you can stick-em in the South,
but they really taste the best,
when you stick-em in your mouth.

The ad was for some sort of bite-sized food product called stick-ems (or stick-ums or something). But holy cow, there was some colossal lack of foresight that went into creating that commercial. Sort of like when you name your child "Festicle" (or, I don't know... "Apple"). I predict it is not long for this world. I searched both Google and YouTube, and I could not find it to post here, but rest assured, as soon as I do find it, I will (stick it here).

It reminds me of that commercial for Aspercreme which was changed after a while. This is the original:

The new version says "You bet if it's AS-percreme."


Blogger lanyard said...

Hee hee, "Apple."

3/09/2007 10:08 AM


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