Wednesday, February 14, 2007

I have snow envy.

All we got down here was a lousy 1/4 inch of snow followed by a bunch of rain/sleet/freezing rain. What a let-down! The tv keeps taunting me with its snow total graphics, and Binghamton thumbs its nose at me as if it thinks it's cock of the snow-covered walk! 10-18 inches it is supposed to get/have gotten! Meanwhile Plainsboro's official total for the year must be about 4 inches.

I'm not joking about the snow envy, by the way. I literally feel a combination of anger, frustration, sadness, and general anxiety when I see the satellite pictures where I'm in the pink zone, and well out of the white zone. Last night I looked out the window every ten minutes to see if our fortunes had changed: "no, it's still freezing rain... if that." Is it normal to be so emotionally affected by the weather? ALL I'M ASKING FOR IS SOME FREAKIN' SNOW!


Blogger lanyard said...

I think it's normal to be so emotionally affected by the weather, but only in the opposite direction, i.e., hating snow and its life-snarling effects.

2/14/2007 2:44 PM

Blogger thrillho said...

I'm not ashamed to admit that I enjoy cleaning snow off my car, and I miss having a driveway to shovel. At least I got to do the first this morning, but again, we were shortchanged and received only about 1.5 inches. I'm beginning to think we won't have a real snowfall this entire winter.

2/26/2007 3:34 PM

Blogger lanyard said...

(does happy dance)

2/26/2007 7:43 PM


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