Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Pet Peeve #0x23b4a

For this installment of Thrillho's Pet Peeves, I bring you the following: throwing your cigarette butt (or anything else, for that matter, but particularly butts) out of your car window. Why? Why would anyone do it? I can hypothesize a few reasons.

1. Putting the butt in the ashtray will make the car smell like cigarette smoke.

2. There is no ashtray in the car.

3. The individual under question either does not realize that his/her actions have direct and indirect effects on other people and places, or he/she knows this but either doesn't care, or derives some sort of pleasure from doing it anyway.

4. It is too much of a hassle to have to clean out the ashtray once it gets full.

5. It's cool to show the world that you know how to flick your butt nonchalantly out your car window.

In my opinion (of course), not one of these is valid. If 1, tough. If you want to smoke, fine, but don't keep your own personal environment clean at the expense of everyone else's. If 2, then get a freakin' ashtray. If 3, wake up. If 4, see 1. If 5, see 3. This is not 1985 anymore.

Stay tuned for next week's installment: "Driving to the end of the extra lane when merging onto a highway before actually merging, just to get a few cars ahead."


Blogger lanyard said...


Also, I know how to flick my actual butt nonchalantly out a car window, and I defy you to tell me that's not cool.

I defy you, sir! Good day to you.


10/17/2006 2:15 PM


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