Monday, September 11, 2006

Homeward Bound

Only one more day of work before I get to go home! Yay! Of course, about twelve hours after my flight lands, I have my first class, and a lot of work looms over the next three months, but still, it will be good to be back.

The only bad thing is that tomorrow is presentation day. I also have to finish my report, which is only half done; though at least the report doesn't have to be polished. No one is really going to read it anyway (it's not for publication or anything), and I can always polish it up after I get back. Hmm, I also have to hope that I can get some more results for the presentation tomorrow. In any event, it is an hour long, and then it is over, no matter how badly it goes, right? Right?

Here is a short list of what I have to look forward to when I get back:
1) The Wife.
2) The birds.
3) The new lens, with which I will take pictures to be posted here.
4) The computer parts, including a sweet new Core2Duo E6600, which will be assembled into a new desktop.
5) The pile of unopened mail.
6) My car.
7) Did I mention The Wife?


Blogger lanyard said...

Welcome back to my home state! Sorry I have been remiss in not commenting (or blogging). Hearty apologies.

9/18/2006 9:55 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's okay, you are my only commenter so far anyway. ONLY COMMENTER! [echo]

I haven't been writing much myself either. But that will change, even if only slightly!

9/18/2006 3:13 PM


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