Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Sharpie strikes again

Oh, some people are just too witty for their own good. Today as I was riding on the train I noticed that someone had, in a burst of maturity, or possibly sobriety, or both, modified the sign on the door that used to read, "For the safety and convenience of all passengers, please do not sit on the stairs." Now it reads, "For the safety and convenience of all passengers, please do it on the stairs." Why don't you go write "don't" or "Bush" or "war" or "sex" on a stop sign? (The last was actually an example from my neighborhood when I was young. Was the author proposing that we deliberately sabotage the survival of our own species?)

I'll admit, I enjoyed a chuckle at first, but then I was saddened because the realization that a fellow human being had thought nothing of defacing public property set in. Tonight I will cry myself to sleep; it's okay, tomorrow is another day.

Did you know you can fold a 1$ bill so that it reads, "The testes of America"? Now you know!


Blogger lanyard said...



8/30/2006 1:06 PM


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