Thursday, October 19, 2006

It's that time of every two years again

It's time for the political advertisements. It seems that at peak times, they take up about half of all ads during a commercial break. You'd think that having to watch 50% fewer real ads would be a good thing, but here is a list of things I would rather do than watch political advertisements:

1. Drink bleach.
2. Eat bleach (You imbecile! Freeze it, then cut it!)
3. Hug a cactus.
4. Fornicate with a cactus.
5. Cultivate my own foie gras (i.e. my own) and sell it on ebay.
6. Sleep in an iron maiden.
7. Listen to Iron Maiden (jk, I don't even know any of their songs, but it was a funny progression)
8. Play the victim on any Law & Order: SVU episode. IRL.
9. Try to shoot myself in the head with a nail gun and not realize it for ten years.
10. Go through the telepods in "The Fly" before they were perfected.

And so on.... They are all bad, but what is particularly hilarious is that, at least here in New Jersey, I haven't seen any ads for any particular Republicans! All the ads for republicans take aim at a particular democrat, but do not actually endorse any specific republican! The only logical conclusion is that the RNC believes that showing their candidates' faces will actually hurt their chances. At any rate, how am I supposed to feel motivated to go out and vote when all I want to do is punch these politicians in the collective face? (and zoom a zoom zoom and a boom boom)


Blogger lanyard said...

I think you're exaggerating, but that was still hilario.

Also, you're right about how specific Republicans hurt the cause. Similar (on the opposite end of the political spectrum) to when John Kerry would go down in the polls when he made a statement, because his main draw was that he Wasn't George Bush. Hearing his blather just reminded people he was lame.

10/19/2006 10:10 PM

Blogger lanyard said...

Yo, is the title of this post meant to refer to how frequently you blog? Cuz BURN!!

11/01/2006 2:09 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should give Iron Maiden an open-minded listen one of these days. They pretty much invented the "galloping guitar", and who else writes songs inspired by Dune and Rime of the Ancient Mariner?

11/06/2006 2:52 PM

Blogger lanyard said...

I wish you had your comments set to show time *and* date.

Hint, hint.

11/08/2006 6:55 PM

Blogger lanyard said...

And not Pacific time.

11/08/2006 6:56 PM

Blogger thrillho said...

I know! Sorry, I am so behind! But look! I posted! Sans exclamation points!

Also, anon aron, I really was jking about Iron Maiden!

11/17/2006 11:03 AM


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