Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Sharpie strikes again

Oh, some people are just too witty for their own good. Today as I was riding on the train I noticed that someone had, in a burst of maturity, or possibly sobriety, or both, modified the sign on the door that used to read, "For the safety and convenience of all passengers, please do not sit on the stairs." Now it reads, "For the safety and convenience of all passengers, please do it on the stairs." Why don't you go write "don't" or "Bush" or "war" or "sex" on a stop sign? (The last was actually an example from my neighborhood when I was young. Was the author proposing that we deliberately sabotage the survival of our own species?)

I'll admit, I enjoyed a chuckle at first, but then I was saddened because the realization that a fellow human being had thought nothing of defacing public property set in. Tonight I will cry myself to sleep; it's okay, tomorrow is another day.

Did you know you can fold a 1$ bill so that it reads, "The testes of America"? Now you know!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

My hero.

My lifelong ambition has always been to look like this guy:

I don't Poincare about your worthless medal!

Also, to prove P=NP.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Nintendo, are you interested?

Here is an idea for a new game that I thought of while riding the light rail to work this morning: "Personal Space Invaders."

This is how you play. You ride the light rail, and when a person invades your personal space, you shoot him/her with your laser gun. Fun!

(Sorry if I stole that name from someone else - I don't think I did, but I could be wrong.)

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

I don't think this is what Harry E. Bay envisioned

Go to ebay and search for "name our baby" (but without the quotes). Go ahead and do it. There are 4 or 5 current auctions, and a few have ended. This isn't even new; the first time this happened was about a year ago. Does anyone else think it is repulsive to sell out your unborn child (I mean... sack of undifferentiated cells) in such a manner?!

The funniest part is that the original listings were for $15,000, and now there is one for $4,500. It's not enough that people are willing to sell out their children, but they're willing to do it for less money than it will cost to put the children through therapy in 10 to 20 years!

I have a suggestion for all those who have such listings: go search for potato chips which resemble Egyptian pharaohs.

Alternate title for this entry: "Hey,, your name is my name too!"

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Oh, I'm supposed to put a title on my entry.


This will be a blog like any other blog. I will post my thoughts on selected current events, on happenings in my life, or on the most recent random useless topic which has occupied my brain. I will refrain from posting disparaging comments about people whom I actually know, not because I think it is wrong, but for fear of those people finding out (obviously none of those potential people is you). Occasionaly, I may envision someone as a snail, and then make disparaging comments about the snail.

Also, I am a lamewad when it comes to committing to these types of things, so I apologize in advance if a week or two goes by without any update.



My namesake, in case you were wondering: